Geriatric Integrative Functional Therapy Part 1: Examinations


Course Description

Course Description:

Are you ready to handle the booming influx of older adults seeking expert care to keep them moving? In this two-part seminar, clinicians will explore traditional and emerging assessments and interventions to maximize function in elders with mobility impairments, from the frail SNF resident to the competitive athlete.  Maximize function for improved quality of life in elders. Clinicians master solutions to aging challenges, including pain, diminished strength and flexibility, degenerative changes, balance issues, falls, cognitive decline and pathologies. Aging clients today are more active early on and tend to live longer, with greater chance of developing painful, degenerative and pathological changes that impact function and quality of life. This seminar presents evidence-based outcome measures in part one, with detailed examination tools.

Contact Hours: 4
Video Course Format: Video
Target Audience:
Instructional Level: Intermediate